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    Guess who likes registering for baby stuff?

    July 5th, 2010

    That would be G.

    S and I have started planning out G’s room, and with all the things he’ll be taking with him (from the nursery), we’re putting together a list of things we’ll need for S2. At first our list only had 2-3 items on it (hey, having a same-gender sibling is really helping out here), but the more we thought of things, the more we realized we’ll need some duplicates (2 white-noise machines, 2 humidifiers, 2 small space heaters). So we’re trying to “save” some money and take advantage of registry completion coupons.

    So G and I went yesterday afternoon and created a registry for his baby brother. I genuinely think he enjoyed it more. He took the scanner and wouldn’t let go.

    Actually it was kind of fun. I held onto items, and he had to point, keep the laser steady and hold down the scanner button. Yes, it took maybe 3x longer than if I did it on my own, but he was happy, and S got some stuff done at home.

    My only concern? G was pointing at things all over the place and clicking on that yellow button all the time. I only wondered what was going to end up on the registry when we got home. Luckily, he didn’t manage to scan anything other than what we did together. Of course, he did try to scan himself a few times too. Maybe when S and I told him we were going to shop for babies he took it seriously…

    PS. If you want a good week-end past-time, when a local store has a baby sale, go in and ask a sales-person for a baby. Preferably one that looks like you. It’s most effective when you keep a straight face. You get some really great looks. S and I really enjoyed this one.

    20 weeks

    July 4th, 2010

    How far along: 20 weeks
    Weight: 131.8lb. I guess S2 hit a little growth spurt the last two weeks. I’m really being hard(er) on myself this pregnancy because I know it will be our last. I’ll be honest, while I lost all the weight I gained with G, I was never comfortable with how I looked afterward. I’m not interested in looking like a super model. I just want to look “healthy”. Granted, I could’ve eaten better, and I did barely any exercise to speak of, neither of which helped. But I want to do better this time around.
    Sleep: Still good.
    Gender: BOY! It’s officially official, and I’ve got photos of the baby goods to prove it. Thankfully, S2 was not shy.
    Movement: Yes. Last Sunday I was starting to feel some nudges that at least were in the area where S2 is currently residing. I just needed to be sure that it was him and not… well… gas. But now, it’s clear. It’s him shifting in there. So far he’s pretty mellow, but there’s always a chance he’ll pick up the pace of kicks in the next few weeks.
    Feeling: Good.
    What I miss: Nothing. I’m feeling good and happy.
    What I am looking forward to: S and G being able to feel the kiddo too. He gave us a nice butt-poke this afternoon (well, butt/head… who can tell right now), but it will be neat to be able to feel him from the outside.
    Weekly Wisdom: I’ve got nothing right now.
    Milestones: Officially halfway baked.
    Food cravings: Nothing in particular, but I’m hungry about ever 2.5-3 hours and about as soon as I’m done w/ my “current” meal, I’m already thinking about the next. This bodes not well for aforementioned weight goal 🙂
    Fetal development:
    Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He’s also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. (For the first 20 weeks, when a baby’s legs are curled up against his torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of his head to his bottom — the “crown to rump” measurement. After 20 weeks, he’s measured from head to toe.)

    He’s swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system. He’s also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you’ll see it in his first soiled diaper.

    Here are some S2 photos from Friday’s u/s. Based on the 3D photo he’ll either like hugs, or will be doing 80’s rapper poses a lot. I hope it’s the former.

    Foto Friday

    July 2nd, 2010

    “Why do you keep staring at me? And giggling?”

    “I’m really enjoying the wind-tunnel party for my dad… but only from the outside.”

    A sick boy and his balloon.

    “I am so hungry, I can eat an elephant”

    “What’s the capacity of this building again?”

    Hand, foot & Mouth strikes again

    July 1st, 2010

    This has not been my week!

    – 1 generally cranky toddler (4 tantrums by 10am and a very short nap made for a loooong Sunday)

    – 1 flat tire. Miss 1/2 a work day resolving it

    – 1 stripped lug-nut/bolt discovered because of flat tire. Miss another 1/2 a work day resolving that

    – 1 kid diagnosed with HFMD. Again. Miss likely 2 days of work

    – oh, and one dad who got shipped out of state on Sunday for a work trade show

    The tire situation, while not terrible seemed to go down-hill fast, but it made me absent from work at a pretty sensitive time. The lug nut I tried to fix on my own, but once I realized it was the bolt that was also stripped I faced the music and went to the repair shop.

    Then yesterday on my way to daycare, Ms. S called to let me know that G, and a few other kids in his room, had white bumps on their tongue. So off to the pediatrician we went, and he was diagnosed with Hand, Foot & Mouth. My favorite!!! Since G just had it in April, there’s a good chance it’s a mild case. Also, the doc couldn’t tell if G was at the start of it, or at the tail end of it. Pretty much we’re home today on spot watch. If the spots don’t get any worse, then he’s free to go back to daycare tomorrow. Otherwise, it looks like a fun-filled week-end, cooped up at home, with a worsening toddler. I am NOT looking forward to this! Last time G was a pitiful mess. Fussy, in pain. I felt SO terrible for him, especially since there was nothing I could do to help. There are no meds and the yuckies just have to run their course. However, I foresee lots of Jamba Juice visits over the next few days. He likes the oatmeal, and smoothies are soft. They will hopefully not irritate the mouth sores, and the cold smoothie could also numb them a bit.

    The part that’s made this harder is the fact that S has been out of town too. It makes me really, REALLY admire parents who care for their children often unsupported.

    At the end of the day though, I’ll admit I’m pretty grateful. While all these things were a hassle to deal with, they worked out, or will work out , fine in the end. The tire repair all ended up being free. I’m grateful for Costco’s tire policy and accountability in stripping my nut&bolt. I’m also grateful, that even if it wasn’t free, and I had to replace all 4 tires again, S and I are in a good place that this sort of emergency doesn’t stress us financially. While dealing with the car, I realized that even minor car issues are a big deal to some, and I felt very fortunate. I also feel grateful that as far as emergency calls from school go, G wasn’t physically injured and we were spared a trip to the ER. While HFMD is a royal pain, it will be over by next week and we’ll go on. S is also not gone often, and I’m just spoiled by his support, and in the grand scheme of things, everything I could handle. Even though I’ll whine about it 🙂