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    Movie Monday

    November 29th, 2010

    Last week out of no-where G asked to hold his brother. So we let him. I don’t think it was as exciting to G as he had imagined. But it was exciting to us, AND S2, ‘cuz he expressed his excitement at the end with a diaper deliverable.


    Foto Friday

    November 26th, 2010

    Last Saturday our local mall hosted a promotional event for the “Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That” show (on PBS). G is obsessed with Cat. He no longer cares for Monkey George, and Sesame Street is rarely requested. Cat on the other hand is demanded daily. S and I aren’t really shoppers, but by lucky accident we went to the mall the week prior and saw a poster for the event. So we kept it to ourselves (just so we didn’t have to listen to G go on for days about going to see Cat) and on Saturday morning, after our, now routine, muffin run, we headed to the mall. We got there early and the place was  already a zoo. There was a mob of people waiting for Cat… and just about no-one in line for Santa. At least we’re not the only family with that obsession.

    While in line G was telling us that he would ask Cat about his stinky socks (referenced in one of the episodes), but when it came to it, ultimately G was speechless when he saw is favorite character. Still he had a good time, and he likes looking back on these photos.

    G waiting, but waiting is hard, so he decided to start climbing the bench.

    Looking for Cat.

    Practicing High-5’s.

    Woa, Cat is tall

    The hero shot. Although I really don’t know what G’s facial expression is about.

    A Kodak moment

    November 25th, 2010

    I lived a perfect Kodak moment this morning. You know one of those periods of time that you just wish you could pause life and record everything about that moment, to relive later, because it feels so good?

    It was nothing special, and yet everything I had ever wanted in a few brief minutes. It was 7:30, and I had ALL my boys in bed with me. S was snoozing on my left. A well deserved snooze after he pulled a heroic 5hr baby holding session last night. S2 was draped over my arm nursing. Neko was at the foot of the bed, cat-napping over S’ sweatshirt, and G was on my right holding his cloth tape measure and was “fishing for kitties”. Fishing for kitties entails throwing one of the tape measure towards Neko, and waiting for the kitty to pounce on it. Neko obliged. G was happy.

    Life was just perfect in that moment, and I realized how content and complete I felt. If I had ever imagined what my family would be like, this was it. What an amazing way to be reminded of what to be thankful for today of all days.

    Happy Turkey Day!

    Foto Friday

    November 19th, 2010

    Nap-time all around


    Can you spot the culprit?

    S and I went shopping for a balance bike for G. He was much more interested in riding the box than the bike.

    My little reader at the library

    My boys.

    “Mamma, look-at Meeee!” (On Tuesday, G ran into our bedroom in this getup.)

    My parents were hippies

    November 18th, 2010

    I have no regrets over the names we have chosen to give our sons. However, it’s becoming increasingly more apparent to me that S2 will forever have to defend his parents’ choice in name for him.

    Yes, we do get very interesting reactions from people when they hear S2’s name. We also get some “great” follow-up questions. Enlightening beauties such as:

    “Isn’t that a girl’s name?” (Actually it’s a gender neutral name. One of the reasons I like it. But besides an X-Men character, how many other Storms do people know?)

    and my personal favorite:

    “Why?” (Well, why not? Why Thomas, or Michael or Jayden?)

    Case in point: when I was at the pharmacy picking up S2’s Zentac prescription (yep, started the reflux meds already), as the pharmacist is giving me the instructions, he interrupted himself mid-way just to ask me about the name. Like I was lying to him for the label. And I’m sure, given the ethnic distribution of our neighborhood, this guy has seen some names.

    So now I’m picturing S2 in his 20s, standing in line for the DMV (or whatever else) having to explain to the person behind the counter that 1) Yes, that really is his name; 2) No, it’s not a joke; 3) His parents were hippies (not really, but maybe this will just make the questioning over quicker)

    S thinks we should come up with something really tame that he can introduce himself as when he gets bored having to defend/explain the origins of his naming. What do you think we should go with?

    And just like that, 2 weeks have gone by

    November 16th, 2010

    I can’t believe that Little Dude is 2 weeks old. It’s not fair, because that newborn-ness is wearing off, and I’m not ready for it to.

    He’s still sleeping all the time. I’m appreciating this because I know it won’t last. He had a fussy night last night, but we’ve been fortunate that those have been few and far between. I keep asking myself every time this happens, if today will be the day that 9-11 day growth spurt to hit. However, at day 15 (today), I’m starting to wonder if it will come around 9-11 days after his due date. His whole growth spurt schedule is going to be all sort of messed up, but I’m enjoying all the sleep I can get now.

    Sleep-wise, we’re doing OK. He’s still sleeping in our bedroom. I’m still not comfortable with this arrangement, but I told myself after we get past the first growth spurt I’ll make a much stronger effort to get him in his room. For now we’re “sleep training” during the day. I say this in quotes, because it’s not true sleep training. I’m just trying to get him used to sleeping on something other than me, or in my arms. On Sunday he slept in his bouncer while I made dinner. This is huge, because it’s one step closer to Mommy Freedom. However, last night was a big fat bouncer fail, so thus far we’re shooting 50-50. I carried G around for 4 months, and while I still plan to heavily use my carrier collection, I’d like to be able to do things like… I dunno… eat without feeling like I will be dropping food chunks on my kid’s head while I do so. So, while I love baby cuddles, we need some hands-free Mommy time too.

    Weight wise, S2’s doing well too. At yesterday’s 2-week pedi visit he came in at 7lbs 4.5oz. Dr. M is pleased, and since we don’t have any shots until he’s 2 months old, he doesn’t find the need to see him sooner, unless something comes up. Speaking of things coming up, we’re on the look-out for reflux. We already have a few warning signs (yey, us) and a prescription for Zentac waiting for us at the local pharmacy. I’m not thrilled with the Zentac, but Dr. M would like to start off light. However, he agreed that he’d issue us a Prevacid upgrade quickly with our reflux history.

    My supply is doing well thus far, no thanx to the kid. The sleep above I mentioned is good, but he sleeps through feedings and this drives me bonkers. I pump at least once to twice a day, just to make sure that my body stays on it’s toes and doesn’t get too used to a baby that only wants to nurse one side at a time.

    Meanwhile, G is doing really well around his brother. I’m really proud of him! He’s gentle and sweet. He helps me by “gently” pushing on the swing or bouncer. Yesterday he even asked to give S2 a hug. Yes, he is still incredibly whiney, and very temperamental, but I’m struggling to draw the line between him being 2 and having a new, permanent house-mate. I know S is having to use every bit of patience with him, because G will go from “I want” one second, to “I don’t wanna” the next. I can see in his face how exhausted he is, but I appreciate every ounce of parenting he’s putting out there.

    With this, here are some more beeb photos (last of the “staged” newborn set). And don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about G. You’ll see some big-brother mug shots on Friday 🙂









    School picture day

    November 16th, 2010

    Last month, G’s daycare had their fall school picture day. I’ll be honest: all I wanted was a print of G’s class, but I felt like I needed to support the effort of the photographer, so I bought 3 of the prints. Also out of pure professional curiosity, I hung out the day of just to see the set-up, how the photographer interacted with the kids, and all that good stuff.

    I think G’s expressions tell the story of how I felt. He’s just not used to having to pose for photos. Other than our monthly sticker pictures (for which S had to jump around like a fool to get some good smiles) I really try to capture G being who is, at that moment in time. Here goes.

    “Did you take the photo yet?”

    “I’m sitting here by a river. With a basket of fake apples. And a monkey.”

    This was the photo I ultimately really wanted. His class.

    (PS. Yes, I know scanning these is a no-no, but I don’t plan to make any reproductions of them, so… shhh, don’t tell on me)

    Foto Friday

    November 12th, 2010

    Ok, today is a little bit different. I wanted to share the amazing slideshow KellyM put together of S2’s birth.

    I can’t embed it in this post, but you can see it here: http://www.kellymphotography.com/slideshows/stormsbirth/

    Artwork Day

    November 10th, 2010


    And the winner is…

    November 9th, 2010

    Now that S2 is out and about it’s time to crown the winner of the Storm Predictors baby pool. The winner is S’ cousin, Tracy. Tracy, check your email 🙂

    Now… if you’re curious to the final answers to each question, here goes:

    1. Mamma’s total weight gain: 31.4lb
    2. Storm’s date of birth: 11/1/2010
    3. Storm’s time of birth: 1:18pm
    4. Storm’s weight: 6lb 9.6oz (hospital rounded to 10oz)
    5. Storm’s height: 18″
    6. Storm’s amount of hair: Just a wee bit of fuzz

    Congrats, Tracy!

    If you played and you want to know how close you got, post a comment below and I’ll let you know your ranking order.