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    Foto Friday

    November 26th, 2010

    Last Saturday our local mall hosted a promotional event for the “Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That” show (on PBS). G is obsessed with Cat. He no longer cares for Monkey George, and Sesame Street is rarely requested. Cat on the other hand is demanded daily. S and I aren’t really shoppers, but by lucky accident we went to the mall the week prior and saw a poster for the event. So we kept it to ourselves (just so we didn’t have to listen to G go on for days about going to see Cat) and on Saturday morning, after our, now routine, muffin run, we headed to the mall. We got there early and the place was  already a zoo. There was a mob of people waiting for Cat… and just about no-one in line for Santa. At least we’re not the only family with that obsession.

    While in line G was telling us that he would ask Cat about his stinky socks (referenced in one of the episodes), but when it came to it, ultimately G was speechless when he saw is favorite character. Still he had a good time, and he likes looking back on these photos.

    G waiting, but waiting is hard, so he decided to start climbing the bench.

    Looking for Cat.

    Practicing High-5’s.

    Woa, Cat is tall

    The hero shot. Although I really don’t know what G’s facial expression is about.

    Foto Friday

    November 19th, 2010

    Nap-time all around


    Can you spot the culprit?

    S and I went shopping for a balance bike for G. He was much more interested in riding the box than the bike.

    My little reader at the library

    My boys.

    “Mamma, look-at Meeee!” (On Tuesday, G ran into our bedroom in this getup.)

    School picture day

    November 16th, 2010

    Last month, G’s daycare had their fall school picture day. I’ll be honest: all I wanted was a print of G’s class, but I felt like I needed to support the effort of the photographer, so I bought 3 of the prints. Also out of pure professional curiosity, I hung out the day of just to see the set-up, how the photographer interacted with the kids, and all that good stuff.

    I think G’s expressions tell the story of how I felt. He’s just not used to having to pose for photos. Other than our monthly sticker pictures (for which S had to jump around like a fool to get some good smiles) I really try to capture G being who is, at that moment in time. Here goes.

    “Did you take the photo yet?”

    “I’m sitting here by a river. With a basket of fake apples. And a monkey.”

    This was the photo I ultimately really wanted. His class.

    (PS. Yes, I know scanning these is a no-no, but I don’t plan to make any reproductions of them, so… shhh, don’t tell on me)

    Foto Friday

    November 12th, 2010

    Ok, today is a little bit different. I wanted to share the amazing slideshow KellyM put together of S2’s birth.

    I can’t embed it in this post, but you can see it here: http://www.kellymphotography.com/slideshows/stormsbirth/

    Foto Friday

    October 29th, 2010

    From our trip to Lemos Farm. Last year we brought G here to for his first pumpkin overload, and if you remember, he surprised us by standing up on his own for the first time during our adventure there. Well, kind of hard to believe that in one year we’ve gone from this:

    to this:

    Yeah, getting him to sit still for more than 2 seconds was just about impossible.

    G’s 2nd birthday party was supposed to be at Lemos Farm too, but alas, an ear infection decided to crash the party instead. We decided to wait another month until they set up for pumpkin season, and I’m glad we did. It was a fun trip, and G enjoyed spending time with R and Special K (who brought her brand new baby brother out too). G rode the ponies (by himself might I add), got on a hay ride, and also did the train ride around ghost town.

    Foto Friday

    October 1st, 2010

    From G and S’ first soccer class last Sat


    Coach Lowe. Who kept referring to herself in the 3rd person the whole time. Made for some confused parents.


    He did have a good time. I promise!




    Yeah, you can tell a true athlete from the rest when they suck on a finger and hold Daddy’s hand during drills.



    Foot on the ball.




    First goal.


    Smoothie reward after a hard workout.



    Foto Friday

    September 24th, 2010

    Ok, I have an hour left of Friday, so this counts, right?

    Tonight we got a chance to meet some mommies and kids that I’ve been following for years. It’s strange to get together with someone who you feel you know so well, yet you had never met in person before. It’s cool! Our boys played SO hard, and stayed up late, and (hopefully) had fun. Surprisingly there no tears or injuries, despite the bats, play-kitchen gear, and balls being thrown around.

    Our night tonight also gave me a glimpse of what life with triplets could be like. In a word? Terrifying 🙂

    J (of Becoming-mom fame), discovering the joy of the storage bin. It’s a storage container, laundry basket, walker, and toddler toy all in one!

    Just think… what if you had to put all 3 of these guys to bed? By yourself?

    G and J

    J and his mommy

    Look, you can get two toddlers in a bin. Sold as a package deal. We tried for three, but they wouldn’t fit.

    Fist bumps.

    J’s sweet guitar jammies

    Foto Friday

    September 17th, 2010

    Should I be worried about G having a sibling?

    Get ready; Set…


    Go, Horsey, Go!

    G at his new kitchen

    He likes to wash everything… all at once

    … cut his fruit …

    … and occasionally eat it (or pelt it at my head).

    Then he leaves a fine set of little things for me to pick up from the floor. I don’t like MY kitchen cleanup. This isn’t much better.

    Foto Friday

    August 27th, 2010

    A day in the life

    August 14th, 2010

    This is a day in my life… in pictures. It’s been a reeeeaaaallly long time since I’ve done one of these: years before Gametes In Love was even a twinkle in my eye, but a friend this week inspired me to do it again. I didn’t pick a special day. As a matter of fact, I’m giving you a good ‘ole glimpse of a run of the mill week-day. If you think I’m boring, keep it to yourself ;p

    6:24 . It begins. Well, really my alarm goes off at 6:00, and normally I’m up, but today I snoozed.


    6:28 . I’m greeted by a hungry feline every day. He’s very loving in the morning, but becomes pretty belligerent if his growling belly isn’t addressed ASAP.


    6:40 . While Neko eats, I get G’s breakfast ready. He gets his milk handed to him first thing. It’s like coffee — he can’t function without it. It actually helps me get him ready, because while he slurps down, I get him changed and dressed.
    P.S. this is the only “baby” bottle he gets all day. I’ve tried sippies for his wake-up milk, but they leak all over the place, and I need quick sanity in the AM, not milk spills.


    6:55 . Time to wake up the monkey. He’s not a morning person.


    Really not a morning person.


    Really, REALLY not a morning person.


    But once he’s up I get to work. PS. Please observe the Al Bundy hands in the pants.



    7:06 . Do you see a toddler anywhere? I didn’t think so. We have now entered into the “chase me while I run around & hide” portion of our program. For the record, being 25w pregnant with achy joints does not make for a fast moving mommy. G knows this and takes full advantage.


    7:07 . Child spotted hiding in the master bathroom.


    Of course, I’m immediately shut out.


    7:12 . Wrangled down to the car, where Mr. G has decreed that he shall sit in front. Fat chance, buddy!


    7:13 . Ensue toddler tantrum for not being allowed to roam free in the vehicle.



    7:14 . Find comfort (for G) and sanity (for me) in Froggie.


    7:26 . Now at school!



    7:38 . Warm up breakfast. Today’s champion meal: sausage & waffles. I then run around the room dropping off diapers, and filling out the sign-in sheets.


    7:42 . Meanwhile, G eats


    7:55 . If it’s not a busy day at work and I don’t have meetings first thing in the morning, I hang out a bit while he plays.



    8:01 . Then I sit in traffic. Those 24min of sleeping in felt good, but they mean quality time going slowly down the 101.


    8:36 . Why hello, Office!


    8:40 . Welcome to my diggs. I drop off my laptop, and start loading up my mail. Meanwhile, I go get breakfast.


    8:52 . Since it’s a late day I get to hang at the cafeteria in my building. The main one across the street is SO much better, and you can get a bunch of yummies to order. Here, not so much. Oh, and in case you are curious, everything here IS in fact yellow and purple 🙂




    9:08 . Today’s choice? Oatmeal and milk. I’ve gained a bit more weight in the last week than I’d like, so I’m trying to do a bit better.


    9:09 . Any day that starts with less than 30 messages sent between me leaving work and walking-in is a good day. Sometimes I really wish I didn’t work with a bunch of people on the other side of the world.


    10:25 . Today is an all-hands day. See? More purple!


    They feed us donuts. I was good. None for me. Although Krispy Kreme still makes my mouth water.


    11:20 . Back to the desk.


    I get to write some emails.


    Go to some meetings.


    12:36 . Lunch-time.


    Today’s pick.


    1:20 . I spend the rest of my afternoon answering questions.


    Writing some PRDs.


    4:06 . It’s been a slow day, and I’ve got my stuff done. Sayonara!


    4:50 . Back home, I’m greeted by a hungry kitty, yet again.


    4:55 . I haven’t rinsed diapers in 2 days. I’ve been too tired to. Please remind me to never do that again. No amount of sleep is worth what I found in there.


    5:16 . Stop by USPS to send off a package.


    5:25 . Back to school to get the monkey. The kids were on the playground when I got there, but G was happy to go back to the room, since he really wanted me to join him in the buggy. I tried to explain that 1) my rear wouldn’t fit; 2) me sitting in there would flip the wagon and send him flying into the wall. He consented as long as he got water.


    5:30 . Just like he doesn’t want to leave home in the morning, he doesn’t want to leave school in the afternoon. I’m now chasing him around the school office.


    6:00 . Back home for dinner.


    Tonight’s pick? Avocado & Blueberry/Pear/Purple Carrot smoothie. G really wanted to “dip it”, meaning he wanted to dip his “cado” in the “fi”.


    7:09 . Playtime.


    8:47 . Little man hit the sack at 8. Now it’s my turn, I get some computer & TV time. Night night!
