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    Movie Monday

    February 22nd, 2009

    “Poink” is a funny word…. or at least G thinks so


    Oh, and “poink!” is the sound that socks make when they come off of little babies’ feet on the way to bath time.

    Parenting is hazardous work

    February 22nd, 2009

    We now have scientific proof that parenting is hazardous to one’s health… or at the very least one’s hearing.

    After several evenings of G serenades, during which S has had to break out the ear plugs, we started to wonder just how loud G was crying.
    Being who we are, it should come as no surprise that we got a decible reader. Nothing fancy, mind you, but enough to get the just of where G ranked on the audible scale.

    Turns out we won’t really know for sure because the application maxes out at 105dB and G was easily hiting and exceeding that. Don’t believe me? Hear for yourself 🙂

    Yes, my friends, this is the second installment of “Am I ready for
    a(nother) baby?” imagine this for 45 minutes straight at about 2 in the morning. If this doesn’t make you want to cry on your own, you might just be ready to take the parenting journey (again).

    Meanwhile I wonder if OSHA will be stopping by to issue G a citation?

    PS. In case you’re curious, this is what Tummy Time sounds like to this day. Alas!