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    Happy Birthday to ME

    February 18th, 2009

    I’m another year older today.

    It also happens that I’m another decade older too. Who knows… perhaps another decade wiser.

    When I turned 20 I was excited and nervous. There was so much I knew was going to happen in my 20s. I would graduate college, get my first job… start a family. These weren’t goals, per se — I almost viewed them as naturally occurring events and their prospect was really exciting. Exciting and scary.

    Now that I’m… umn…. not 20 anymore, I don’t know what the “naturally occurring events” are for this decade. I feel very fortunate that the milestones I felt would happen for me in the last 10 years in fact have, yet I am drawing a blank on what milestones I have to look forward to in the next 10 years.

    So your gift to me today is to tell me about the fabulous things that happen in one’s 30s. GO!

    The other thing that bums me out about today is that it’s Wednesday. I think it should be illegal to have a milestone birthday in the middle of the week. I want a big hoopla with a lazy in-bed morning with S and G, a kick-ass waffle breakfast, a fun-filled day outdoors with my family, wrapped up with an awesome event with friends.

    Instead, I’m getting a cold ceran-wrapped bagel in the Mom’s room, followed by a whole bunch of meetings, fighting fires at work, and sushi take-out for dinner. Boo! (except for the sushi — I’m looking forward to that one)

    On the bonus side, though, I AM getting to eat (more of) my favorite cake in the whole world: a tiramisu cake made by Margaret’s French Bakery. It’s so moist, and just the perfect taste of sweet yet not overpowering, soaked in rum. Trust me — it’s worth the (costly) $30. Ok, I’m starting to drool.

    I will say, however, that lack-of-30-direction aside, I feel very content right now. I have everything I could possibly want for myself, and need for nothing. It is a really great feeling. I feel “complete” in so many ways.
    Hmn…. maybe that’s why I don’t know what to ask for of the next 10 years.

    Ok, maybe I can ask for a little bit more sleep ;p