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    October 31st, 2008

    Do you miss trick-or-treating? Did going candy-hunting in your teens get you evil looks?

    Well… fear no more — there is a solution to the sad result of aging: having a baby!

    That’s right folks, you heard it here. Just dress up your baby in the cutest costume you can find (or a $20 cheapie from BRU) and take them door to door with a bag for your loot stretched out.

    No infant of your own? This would be a great evening to volunteer to babysit. You get the chocolaty goodies and you don’t have to share (works best for babies not introduced to solids).

    I’d like to tell myself that G is in fact getting his candy… I just have to digest it first… for quality control that is ;p

    G says “Roar!”

    Happy Halloween!

    Foto Friday

    October 31st, 2008

    Brace yourselves… ‘cuz this is a big one!

    (Photos courtesy of Kelly M)

    It’s hard to pick just a few, but as always, his cuteness can always be “Aw!”ed at here.

    A sailor went to sea, sea, sea

    October 29th, 2008

    Yep, I’m sitting here in bed with “A sailor went to sea, sea, sea” stuck in my head. There’s nothing better than getting the most annoying possible nursery jingle to lull you to sleep… or in my case not.

    I’ve been singing to G during the day, or should I say subjecting him to my completely tone-def voice. He smiles at me when I do, so obviously he’s either enjoying me making a fool out of myself through my exaggerated facial expressions, or laughing at how terrible I sound. Either way, the smile gets me, so until he tells me to shut up (I did this to my mom as her voice is apparently no better than mine), I’ll keep going.

    Nursery rhymes are never something I would have guessed I would have a hard time with. Not having English as my first language, or being raised in the US, makes singing along to some of these popular childhood songs pretty hard. I don’t know the lyrics, for one, nor the hand movements. I’m probably one of few people out there doing searches online for phrases like “itsy bitsy spider hand movements” or scouring YouTube for toddlers caught on camera by their parents performing the same.

    Honestly, it’s about as sad as playing baby-shower games with a group of non-American born women. Earlier this summer our neighbor threw a baby-shower for one of her friends. All of the women, host included, except for myself, were Russian, but they really wanted to play American baby-shower games. As such the hostess searched online for popular party activities and printed out “fill in the blank” nursery rhymes that each attendee was to complete. I tell you, there’s nothing better than a room-full of grown women trying to figure out why three men in a tub (of “Rub-a-dub-dub” fame) are taking a bath together.


    I can officially report that I now have the “Itsy Bitsy Spider”, “The Wheels on the Bus”, and “A sailor went to sea, sea, sea” under my belt.

    Yes, G this is a proud moment for your mommy!

    2 months old already?

    October 29th, 2008

    G is now two months old. Some notable developments have been:
    – his first (non-gassy) smile
    – more coordinated arm gestures… even swatting and getting at a toy
    – his first laugh (well, it was more like a short laughing grunt)
    – outgrowing his NB sized clothes and finally fitting into his cloth diapers
    – finally enjoying bath-time
    – getting down to a single wakeup in the middle of the night, with a few 8-9 hr stretches here and there

    Things we are happy are over:
    – the constant all-day crying through the 6th week growth spurt

    Things we can’t wait to be over:
    – the 4:30pm ‘till bed-time crying

    I’m still amazed at how quickly these last two months have gone by. I had this flash of fear this morning that I’ll wake tomorrow, in my 50’s attending my son’s college graduation. I say fear, because I feel like the rate of living feels like it has accelerated so much over the last 5 years. I don’t want to miss out on enjoying G growing up. As much as I am thrilled about him outgrowing his tough moments, I love the good parts so much more than I dislike the hard parts.

    So how are we honoring the 2 month milestone? By giving G his first immunizations! I am genuinely nervous about this appointment. It could very well be harder for me than for him. Both S and I are going. We’ll let you know how it works out. Wish us luck!