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    Some moments in time

    June 1st, 2011

    For S2’s 6m photo-shoot I asked Kelly to capture a few moments of me with S2 that mean a lot to me: bath-time and dinner-time. Those are mostly 1:1 time for the two of us, and it’s something I really want to remember. She did a great job.

    AND she also took an amazing photo of all of us together (including the blur that was G 3 months ago). Thank you, Kelly!

    You can see the full set here.

    7 months

    May 31st, 2011

    Boy, has this been an exciting month. S2 is coming into his personality now, and it’s kind of fun to watch it develop. He is a very verbose young man and can go on for extended periods of time giving you his opinion (or sermon depending on who you ask). He’s not afraid to also deliver the same monologue in an angry tone when he’s pissed off, AND for your added benefit he doesn’t let any object occupying his mouth conclude his line of thinking. Case in point: hungry S2 that decided that the world was coming to an end because he was starving all of a sudden. Even with a boob in his mouth he proceeded to grumble at me.

    He hates clothes going over his head. It’s his pet peeve about getting dressed.

    He loves to nuzzle his loveys.

    He loves to sleep with a lovey covering his face (and freak Ms K out in the process).

    He still lights up when he’s in a good mood and is very affectionate. His snuggles still rock and he is now also happily dispensing kisses… at least to me. He’ll grab at my cheeks (pinch them really), pull me in close and then open his mouth wide against my cheek. I know there’s true love there because he shares his drool. And for those that know me, spit slime is “my favorite” (insert dripping, HA!, sarcasm here).

    He’s still working on sitting: he’s getting better, but not sitting on his own just yet. I have to remind myself that in his adjusted age he’s only 6m1w old, and he has a looong range to go, but this is the only milestone I’m looking forward to. The rest of crawling/walking can wait for as long as G took.

    These past few days, my little chill mellow kid has turned into a fuss-monster. I think this is all on account of teething. I can’t be sure which tooth is trying to make a run for the surface, but based on where he’s chewing, and some translucent sightings, he might be starting off with a canine. Joy! Those sucked for G. Perhaps if we DO start with those, maybe the rest will be easy? I hope.

    Weight: 17lb

    Height: 26.38″

    Favorite activity: Shoving his hands in my food and trying to see what he can swipe before I catch him. He has now successfully managed to misappropriate a s’more. I guess there went the “no sugar until 1” restriction.

    Favorite toy: a tie between the bee and Jacques the peacock

    Sweetest moment: Mama kisses!!!

    Naughtiest moment: blowing raspberry with a mouth full of food. He does this ALL.THE.TIME now. I think I end up wearing a third of what I feed him.

    Important milestones: teething’s on the way, and we have a whole lotta babble

    Movie Monday

    May 29th, 2011

    Baby kisses rock… except for the remarkable amount of slobber they seem to come with.


    Movie Monday

    May 23rd, 2011

    S2 LOOOOVES him a tasty toe snack before bed-time. As soon as his cloth diaper comes off, and those feet are in range, he’s all for it.


    Of course, not to be out-done, when G heard about his younger brother’s flexible skills, he decided to show us he could (still) do it too. Observe the happy squeals coming from the young dude on my left. I think S2 was egging his older brother on.


    See all the glorious moments I get to document while sitting in between the boys while in the car?

    Foto Friday

    May 5th, 2011

    “Can you hear me now?” G and S talking. To each other.

    S2 on the other hand got to chill with his buddy D. D not having been around dudes his size was very intrigued. He wanted to spoon,

    check out the competition,

    and pull on some ears.

    S2, on the other hand, got tired of the last part of that inspection pretty fast.

    Roll, baby, roll!

    May 2nd, 2011

    There’s proof!!! There’s finally video proof that S2 can roll over from belly to back. It took me weeks to get it, but here it is.


    (And what do you know? It made it in time for Movie Monday)

    6 months

    May 1st, 2011

    Woa! Halfway to one already.

    This has been an exciting month. In it, S2 has began to roll from belly to back (but won’t do it for me), started inchworming while on tummytime (or more realistically wants to get off his belly enough that he shuffles and kicks his legs enough to propel him forward, and he’s discovered the fun reaction he gets when he nuzzles his head on other ladies’ chests. I call this last one practice for motorboating later on. Ms. C is quite amused by this morning routine. Or perhaps not.

    His smile is incredible! It’s that full on, toothless baby smile that makes you forget anything is wrong in your life. I’m pretty sure the ‘You are my sunshine’ song is in reference to babies when they smile at you like that.

    S2 loves his paci: it’s his biggest source of comfort. I’m happy and worried about this. I’m glad he has something that I know will work, especially at 4am in the morning, but I dread having to break him away from it, as well as the possibility of a second orthodontics fund.

    Over this past month S2 has also discovered his feet. For some reason he doesn’t seem to notice them when he’s NOT on the diaper changing table, but when he sees them he stares at them with great admiration.

    He’s still not sitting up on his own just yet, but he’s making good progress. He can last 1, maybe 2 seconds sitting on his own before falling over in a random direction of his choice 🙂 The photo above for example: not-held. Of course, the frames immediately following are of him crashing to the left.

    Of course, this month was the month S2 started eating solids foods. And he likes them. He polished off a whole jar of squash this morning. I’m not sure I know how to deal w/ a kid that actually likes to eat. But I like it. Keep on, little man!

    Weight: 16lb 2oz

    Height: 25.39″

    Favorite activity: Bouncer and watching the moving wall fish aquarium at school.

    Favorite toy: His little bee from First Years

    Sweetest moment: Did I mention big baby smile yet?

    Naughtiest moment: Motorboat, motorboat, where are you?

    Important milestones: Rolling over from belly to back. Started on solid foods

    Foto Friday

    April 28th, 2011

    How we spent our Easter Sunday.

    G played hide and seek with me

    … and his baby:

    He gave it hugs

    and milk

    “I no spill it, Mama. I no spill it!”

    He changed it’s diaper

    and poked it’s belly-button

    Meanwhile, S2 made faces at Daddy

    And I got to stay in my pajamas all day. It doesn’t get much better than this!

    Gene Simmons, the third

    April 28th, 2011

    We have another K.I.S.S. fanatic in our household. Following his brother’s footsteps, S2 just can’t keep his tongue in his mouth much either… unless I’m trying to take a picture of it that is.

    Welcome to the Bunny Farm

    April 23rd, 2011

    Ensuring that both my sons have equal reason to seek therapy 🙂

    Happy Easter everyone!!!