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    Sleep child!

    June 29th, 2011

    Oy! S2’s been having some not-so-great nights of late. Now, I know some families have it much worse off than we, but 4-5 wake-ups a night is no fun, and when someone at work tells you (more or less) that you look like cr@p, you tend to wanna draw the line somewhere.

    G spoiled us so much. He was a good sleeper, early on, and went through phases of wakeups only when he was sick or in a bad teething spell. S2 on the other hand? I’ve got no clue.

    To boot, his naps for the past month have been terrible as well. He used to take one great nap daily that was at least 90 min long. The rest were short, but he always had one good one to round it all out. Now? We’re lucky to see 30 min out of that child, and he’s even teasing us of late with 1 (that’s right. ONE) minute long naps.

    Worse still is bed-time. He wiggles himself onto his tummy. He’s mastered this skill now. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know how to get himself out of this predicament on demand, so he’ll roll over, and freak out. Bed-time is now a good almost hour-long process of just sitting by him, ready to flip him back over. And do this over and over, until he’s asleep for good.

    Yes, this is a phase. Yes, this too shall pass. Just not soon enough.

    Foto Friday

    June 24th, 2011

    I’m so hungry, I can eat a dinosaur!

    (aka, Hmn… tastes like chicken)

    Will THIS fit in my mouth?

    I kick it!

    Give me some old time Rock N’ Roll!

    Safety first! Dinos get buckled in too

    Does this scream trouble to you?

    Move along, nothing to see. I’m eating, here!


    Do you think I have enough spoons for my oatmeal? 5 good?

    Ok, who’se gonna clean up this mess?

    Nap? What nap? I’m not tired!

    My toes are the best toy. Ever!

    Nom, nom, nom, nom.

    He sits!!!

    June 21st, 2011

    Our little teeter-tot has been at it for a few weeks now, but I think end of last week he really got his sitting-groove down.

    I still don’t trust him quite enough to NOT get overly excited and thrash himself backward, so I keep a pillow behind him to buffer any potential fall. And it will be awhile before I sit him down on hard tile. But… HE SITS!!!

    This has been the milestone I’ve been waiting on forever. Forget the crawling/walking bit – I’m not eager on those in the least (this time around), but sitting, ah, what a relief. Let’s see – I can put a baby down so I can go to the bathroom, screw on a sippy cup top, you know… USE both of my hands?

    He’s also enjoying this new perspective on the world too. He can look around more, reach out for toys. All in all good, clean fun. And good photo opportunity too: something at least different from “Here’s S2 lying on his mat, and here’s S2 lying in his swing, and here’s S2 lying on his activity mat… again”. So, once I dust off the swanky camera and re-point it toward my brood, there will be some nice pics to come. Until then, woe at the “will have to do” of the iPhone cam 🙂

    Parenting law #22

    June 19th, 2011

    The amount of hair gray-ing and/or falling out increases exponentially with each child.

    Parenting law #37

    June 19th, 2011

    When your child makes a gagging sound, you will inexplicably find yourself holding out a hand in a worth-LESS attempt to capture the.. ugmn… “stuff”… and avoid clean up & laundry.

    Parenting law #9

    June 19th, 2011

    Invariably when you are caring for your child(ren) alone, because your partner is away, they will be on their worst behavior and/or get sick.

    Parenting law #11

    June 19th, 2011

    There is no such place in your home as a ‘child free’ zone that is either occupied by you or unfortified.

    Parenting law #14

    June 19th, 2011

    When putting a child down for naptime/bedtime you will be tired & sleepy before them.

    Foto Friday

    June 3rd, 2011

    From the fair the other week. G did some sliding:

    (btw, thank you oblivious parent for standing RIGHT in front of me at the most opportune moment. I’m sure my honkin’ huge lens was easy to miss.)

    and pet some animals:

    run from the town mascot

    and ride a little train. But S2 needed to eat then, so my hands were otherwise occupied.

    S fulfilled his life-long dream of imitating a hamster… except he didn’t really manage to run in his wheel.

    S2 spent most of our visit sleeping 🙂

    “Hey, Ma! This baby keeps copying everything I do!”

    Teething = Barf?

    June 3rd, 2011

    S2 went through 5 separate outfit changes yesterday. I haven’t had to change a kid this often since my anal-retentive G newborn days. Why? ‘Cuz he spat up a lot yesterday. A LOT!

    S had suggested that maybe it’s because of the teething. His logic was that if teething produces more acidic saliva, if it’s acidic enough to cause diaper rash (case in point, G), then it could also easily act in the opposite direction. And, per Ms. J’s confirmation, he’s right.


    I think I’d rather take the diaper rash.