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    Halloween ’14: The kid version

    Since I posted about how Mom and I spent Halloween morning, it’s time to do the kid version 🙂

    S2 was a Knight and G went as a lizzard. Site note: G’s costume made him look more like a dragon, and between S’s knightly garb, they actually looked like they might’ve had a team costume thing going.

    Initially S2 wanted to be Captain America. Then Iron Man. However, somehow over the last few weeks he settled on Knight and stuck to it. I was a little surprised by this to be honest (he’ll wear Superhero shirts non-stop, and it’s big in his friend crowd). However, I didn’t particularly care, as long as it was something we already had in the house. Hooray for costumes being 365- available items in this house for him.

    G asked to be a lizard. Initially I thought “Great! Another Cheetah/Caterpillar year” But eBay totally came to my rescue and costume in his size popped up right when I needed it. For the grand prize of $15. Sold!

    A & B were super awesome in inviting us to ToT with them again this year…. especially since I more or less invited ourselves… and then told her we were bringing my mom and dad too. But they’re good people and put up with us anyway.

    They were reasonably polite to all the homes we visited, and other than running in the beginning and yelling down the street, on the whole it was a pretty good night for them. Next year I gotta remember to pre-emptively address:
    – NOT running down the street
    – NOT walking into someone’s home when they open the door
    – NOT yelling like drunken frat-boys while walking down the streets
    – NOT counting how many items they receive at each home and comparing with the other kids (actually I need to address this “me vs you” counting separately ASAP).
    – gracefully accepting candies they don’t like (they are now old to remember which candies are their favorites, and after this year they’ll be exposed to a lot more varieties)

    Dad stayed behind at A&B’s house. He was responsible for passing out candy since he didn’t want to ToT with the kids on account of his back pain. So, he was referred to as “The grumpy old man” by the boys. I will allow this: for the one time event of that evening. Tomorrow, this gets nipped in the bud 🙂

    It rained today. Actually it was perfect this evening, but not knowing where all the projected precipitation was going to end up, we hit up the local shopping center (and it’s convenient overhangs) just in case we’d get rained out for the actual Trick or Treating event. The boys now each have a gallon-sized zip-lock bag brimming to the top with candy. As in, hard to zip up. I think we’re set on after-dinner treats for the next 6 months.

    Of course, I will have to go ahead and withdraw my Twix Tax, first ;p

    Now… onto photos 🙂 (of course)






















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