A lesson lost?!?!
Yesterday G and K were bouncing on our bed. G is new to this whole bed-bouncing activity, and actually last night was his first time. You’d think the boy who sings “No more monkeys jumpin'” ‘just cause would’ve learned something from that cautionary tale, but no. Alas last night he jumped too close to the ledge, bounced off S’ night stand and landed on the floor. He wasn’t hurt (thankfully), but it did startle him a good deal.
So today, we’re in the car, and G begins to sing the monkey song to himself.
G: Doctor said, no more monkeys
Me: The doctor said no more monkeys should do what?
G: No more monkeys!
Me: What should the monkeys not do?
G: Jumpin’ on the bed
Me: Why?
G: Fall head
Me: That’s right. They fall and bump their heads. Did YOU jump on the bed last night?
G: Yeah
Me: Did YOU fall and bump your head?
G: Yeah
Me: Are you going to do it again?
G: Yeah
So there you have it. No lessons learned here. Our monkey will keep on jumping on the bed. Sigh!
We have that book too, and I always wonder who thought the last page was a good idea (nobody said anything about jumping on the couch!) as it clearly teaches sneakiness! 🙂
Hahahaha! I love this post, because James does the EXACT same thing… sings “Mama call the doctor said NO MORE MONKEYS JUMPING THE BED!” Yet what does he do? Jumps on the bed, every chance he gets. He hasn’t fallen off… YET. Wonder if it will change his mind about jumping…
Looking forward to Friday! 🙂