Don’t blame the baker
I don’t know why but over the last week I’ve gotten a bunch of comments from people that go something like this:
“So you must be due very soon, right?”
When I tell them that I have another month and a half to go, they look at me with bewilderment.
Am I THAT big people? I mean I know I stick out a lot, but I don’t feel that I look disproportionate for a(n almost) 33 week pregnant lady.
I mean, come on: you don’t blame the baker for how tall the souffle rises!
I’ve decided to hold my hang out and ask for a penny every time someone says this expecting a response. I bet I can subsidize S2’s college fund by the end of November.
Yeah, when I heard [insert name here] say that you today I internally groaned. I think the issue is that you’re teeny, so you show more than other, less-teeny people 🙂
Ha! You know, the reason I paused to response was not because I was offended, but because this was literally the fourth time in 2 days I’ve gotten this comment. FOURTH!!! 3 yesterday. WTH?
I should ask for a penny every time someone says it. I bet I can subsidize S2’s college fund.