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    I can build a mean fort

    December 6th, 2011

    One of G’s favorite activities is to pull all the pillows off the couch and make a fort. I have myself to blame for showing him that. He actually gets really into it and is very possessive over the couch pillows. All of the couch pillows. He has to use every single one, and may God help you if you try to claim one so you can actually sit on said couch.

    However, not having the architectural training I do (he he), G’s idea of making of fort is to shove all the pillows in the narrow space in between the coffee table and couch, and then somehow try to slither in between them. However, last week-end I worked my magic, and we got a nice hidey-whole for the monkey (and his monkey).

    Little Pig, Little Pig, let me in!!!

    Not the Mama!

    December 5th, 2011

    Ok, this post clearly dates me. Back in the 90s there was a sitcom called Dinosaurs. It had a mom/dad, teenage daughter and son, and a little baby.

    Well, S2 of late has kicked into his “mommy all the time” phase, and S is feeling a little bit like a second class citizen. It’s very much like this:


    … but in crying form.

    In a way I’m enjoying this while I have it, because for sure S2 will (also) say “dada” before he says “mama”.

    Fears realized

    December 4th, 2011

    (Post contains graphic content. Read at your own risk)

    Friday morning I walked into S2’s room (waddled really: it was 5:20 in the morning) for his early am wake-up.
    It was a rude awakening as soon as I opened that door, let me tell you, because his room smelled. Of vomit. I had always wondered if there was a difference between a baby spitting up and a baby throwing up. I no longer wonder. It’s a night/day difference.

    There had been a stomach bug going around daycare, so i wasn’t too surprised. What did surprise me was that S2 had thrown up multiple times over the course of the night and not said a peep. He stayed home that day (of course), but spent the rest of the day healthy, and happy as if nothing was wrong. The only trace of what had happened was the pile of laundry in my laundry machine and the un-pretty diapers that have been hanging out since.

    Then yesterday, as I was at a holiday party with some friends, S texted me to say that he was feeling off and would I please not stay out late. I left for home right away. S proceeded to get pretty ill within minutes of me walking into the house and was miserable until the early morning.

    And now me.

    The only one left remaining is G, and I absolutely dread the possibility of him coming down with this while S and I are not both well enough to be with the kids. Let me tell you that when you have to make a choice which end hovers over the toilet is not the best time to also play, feed, or supervise a child. And this is the sort of sick that if a kid has it, I image they would want to be held by a parent until its over.

    So if I’m sick, one of the kids is sick and the other (better) parent is with said sick child, what do you do with the second kid?

    I am thankful at least it’s not all of us exactly at the same time.
    I am thankful neither S and I are single parents.

    But it still sucks when you have to reach out to your support network to be on stand-by and help. ‘Cuz admit it: how eager would you be to enter in the house of (this type of) sick?

    At least (and I am thankful for this) this is supposedly an 8 hour bug. You are violently ill for 8 hours, and then you feel like crap, but at least your homage to the toilet gods has been rendered. I’m hoping my 8 hours will be up before G shows symptoms.

    Stay tuned.

    Foto Friday

    December 2nd, 2011

    Fall is in the air. Well… I guess now more winter, but I finally had some time to take the boys out to frolic among some fallen leaves.

    This is where we collectively all say “Aaaawwww!”

    Yes! He really did.

    13 months

    December 1st, 2011

    As in ‘What happened to month 12’? I’m pretty sure that my internal clock thinks its only mid-November. This last month really went by super fast. What happened? Who stole time?

    S2 spent the last month perfecting his waddle. He now maneuvers like an expert at lighting speed. He even attempted running, but that ended momentarily with a face plant. None the less, this little Speedy Gonzales is giving me a run for my money. I’m learning to pee at lightning speeds because I can’t keep him out of trouble long enough to properly use the restroom.

    S2 loves to climb. I caught him trying to scale his closet the other day. Really if anything level is at knee height or below expect him to climb it. I’m pretty sure he’s part goat, and I’m blaming gene splicing at the clinic.

    Overall though he remains a sweet, cuddly dude, who’se face lights up when he sees a loved one walk into the room.

    I am just a little bit concerned about his lack of words. I know that technically I shouldn’t because 2 years of age is when the first analysis of speech is assessed, but G had 4 words by the time he was 1, and I’m still anxiously awaiting number one. S2 HAS had several ear infections over the last 2 months and despite 3 separate antibiotic regimens in a month’s time, at his check up he STILL had fluid in his ears. We are addressing this (with yet another antibiotic) and it is improving. Dr. M suggested that his speech development is impacted by these ear infections, which of course is now making me even more paranoid about them. I think we’re another ear infection outbreak away from seeing an ear, nose and throat specialist. But here’s hoping that we’re done with the year infections for awhile.

    Onto some stats…

    Weight: 20lb 14oz

    Height: 29″

    Favorite activity: climbing

    Favorite food: Puffs, Mum Mum crankers, and recently Oh-sies (aka cheerios). Glad to see he’s expanding his repertoire 🙂

    Favorite toy: He really likes to chew on G’s (new-ish) Thomas break-down train

    Number of teeth: 2

    Naughtiest moment: sticking his hands down the toilet. Gross!!!

    Important milestones: first attempt at running