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    Sayonara parents, aloha crib

    February 12th, 2011

    It’s time. It’s time for S2 to graduate to his own room.

    I’ve waited long enough. Perhaps longer than I should have, and I admit that he’s been sleeping in our room not because he’s needed it, but because I’ve been too lazy and timid to make the move.

    He sleeps 4 feet away from me, which, I gotta tell you, at 3am in the morning, that’s a pretty convenient distance to sleep-walk. Much more convenient than the walk around the house to the nursery. Nursing in my bed is pretty comfy: it’s soft and I can sit up in it for hours on end. My blanket is there, so my feet stay warm. Also, if I get in one of my paranoid “Is my child still alive?” states, all I have to do is quiet down and I can hear him breathing. Much easier than walking to the nursery at 2 am in the morning and wait to see & feel his chest rise. No joke, I did this just about every night until G turned one. At 3am when your eyes are glazed over with fatigue it takes a lot longer to see an infant breathe. I will even admit to poking my poor sleeping child, just to see a response.

    Despite all my comfort reasons for having S2 stay in our room, his little legs have grown to a point where they are now starting to reach the edge of the swing. His head is getting flat in the back. And he’s developing an unhealthy dependency on swing sleep.

    So tonight is the night.

    I had him nap in the crib all day today. 2 short naps, and one decently long nap later I think we’re cleared for a night-time trial. I’m starting easy (on myself), though. My goal is to put him down in his crib for bedtime, come to him in the middle of the night when he wakes, and put him back down in the crib. If he wakes up more than once, bring him back in our bedroom for the rest of the night. After all, I deserve sleep too 🙂

    So… wish us luck.

    Our little Superman

    February 11th, 2011

    Amazing what a blanket can do.

    G immediately proceeded to rescue our printer from the shackles of baby-proofing equipment, and my scanner power button from the loneliness of not being turned on/off 20 times in immediate procession 🙂


    February 6th, 2011

    G was going crazy jumping on our bed this afternoon, swatting, and throwing things. After many times of me asking him to stop, I took S2 (who was in my arms the whole time) and walked away into the nursery. S2 and I, then, sat in the glider. About 2 minutes later, G sheepishly waddled over and asked to cuddle too.

    So he and I proceeded to have the following heart:

    Me: G, why don’t you listen to me?
    G: Huh?

    Touche, child, touche!

    Foto Friday

    February 3rd, 2011

    S2’s first day at daycare: on the way

    Bouncers. Apparently, good for kitties too.

    Little readers: one of the cutest things ever. They just curled up to each other.

    I am the moon, and G is the sun

    Cupcake eating is a competitive sport around here. If you don’t eat yours fast enough, G comes after it (even though he has his own).

    Helping Daddy swap the locks

    A rare treat for you all. Me!

    Mommies taste like chicken

    February 3rd, 2011

    Per our conversation this evening

    G [while pretending to eat me]: Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom
    Me: What are you doing?
    G: I eating YOU.
    Me: You’re eating me?
    G: Yeah
    Me: Am I tasty?
    G: Yeah
    Me: What do I taste like?
    G: CHICKEN!!!

    So clearly everything does, in fact, taste like chicken… including mommies.

    Artwork Day

    February 3rd, 2011




    3 months

    February 1st, 2011

    S2. Aka The Lint Collector. Aka Mr. Stinky Fist. Aka Cutie Patoot. Aka Monkey. Aka Munchkin… is now 3 months old.

    Man how time flies. He’s still a very chill and cuddly kid. His smile, makes me smile, and his biggest grins come on the changing table. The kid loooves him some nekked time. Either that, or he’s enjoying knowing that he’s found a sucker to clean up his muck 🙂

    I still have no idea what color his eyes are. He’s my little trickster that way. I know that eye color can remain in flux until the age of 2 for some kids, and I think he might be one of them. I mean look at this: What color would you say they are?

    They could be brown, but in clear light they look gray…. ish? Then there’s a bit of green fleck too. Honestly, they look slate, but “slate” is not an option on passport applications, so I called it quits and called them hazel. Genetically though, there’s a 50% chance they’ll be brown. He likes to keep me guessing, and I don’t know why I’m so impatient to find out.

    We still don’t have a formal schedule with him, and it’s actually been good. We have patterns that we stick to. He’s normally up for the day between 5:30 and 6:30, but he’s normally chill in his swing until 6:30 even if he doesn’t go back to sleep. I appreciate that SO much, because while he might be ready to call it a night, an extra hour of sleep goes a long way for mom. We do the eat/sleep routine until early afternoon. He takes two naps in the morning. One of them is short (about 30min or so) and the other a heroic 2 hour. The fun is that you don’t know which one will be the long nap. He likes to switch it up on me. What is certain though, is that if we’re out and about, THAT will be his long nap. You know… so that when we’re home we can spend more quality time together when he’s awake, and I don’t get a chance to do my chores as well 🙂 Now that he’s started daycare, I’ll be curious how his patterns change in the next few weeks. I expect the first week to be hard as he adjusts to sleeping in a louder and more exciting environment.

    Weight: 12lb 8oz. He’s got little rolls on his chubby legs and it is stinkin’ cute.

    Height: 22.5″

    Favorite activity: Singing “The Wheels on the Bus” and “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” w/ mom. I get lots of smiles when the spider climbs up his belly.

    Sweetest moment: Laughing in his sleep the other week. It was too cute.

    My biggest question for him right now is what his personality will be like. I keep looking for clues every day. I hope he’s fun(ny) like his brother… or at least has a similar sense of humor.

    I love every inch of this little guy.