2010 in review
It’s always interesting to look back, and I’m amazed each and every time just how much change 365 days can bring. Let’s see. In 2010:
- I Returned home to my boys, after spending the Christmas holidays with my family for my dad’s heart by-pass. It went well, but it’s not an experience I’d like to repeat again. Him either, I assure you.
- G got his first haircut
- I started a new (photography) business on the side
- We survived Hand, Food & Mouth disease. Twice. Brought to you by daycare birthday bouncer rental #1
- We tried to get pregnant. And failed.
- We tried to get pregnant a second time. And succeeded.
- G went from stringing 2 words together, to now being a full on sentence running machine
- I spent a few months in morning sickness unpleasant-ness
- We bought a new monster of a car in anticipation of Baby #2
- We did our first trip to Europe for G to meet my family. On this adventure we found out we’re having another boy.
- G had his first visit with the dentist. Hopefully he won’t be visiting here more than just his regular check-ups.
- G started soccer
- G turned 2!
- S2 was born
Happy New Year, everyone!
Awesome recap! I still have to do one… meh, maybe next year!