November 20th, 2011
Last night G and I made cookies. Specialty’s is a local bakery that just released a line of cookie mix, and I couldn’t pass it up. So tonight after dinner G got his treat of cookie. How does he pick? Largest one in the batch. Duuuuh.
G proudly paraded his cookie before S and exchanged the following:
S: Woa! That’s a really big cookie!
G: (smirk)
S: That cookie is so big, if you eat it we’re going to be in trouble.
G: Yeah. I know!
Hmmm. I might need to re-think my baking strategy going forward.
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Posted by admin
February 6th, 2011
G was going crazy jumping on our bed this afternoon, swatting, and throwing things. After many times of me asking him to stop, I took S2 (who was in my arms the whole time) and walked away into the nursery. S2 and I, then, sat in the glider. About 2 minutes later, G sheepishly waddled over and asked to cuddle too.
So he and I proceeded to have the following heart:
Me: G, why don’t you listen to me?
G: Huh?
Touche, child, touche!
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Posted by admin
December 14th, 2010
I had to take G for an emergency pedi visit today (don’t worry, he’s fine). As we’re driving back from the appointment, I felt a shoe hit my seat and land right over my emergency break. Joy. A toddler who’s taking off his shoes AND it’s raining outside. Double bonus. This is then followed by hearing his sweet voice call out “Mamma, look-a me!” As I peak in my rear view mirror at him, I see him pulling on his sock with his teeth. He had stretched the teeny sock out so far, I think it’s now a knee-high. I shook my head and tried not to laugh. We then proceeded with the following exchange:
Me: G, you’re silly. You are a silly goose.
G: Noooo!
Me: You are too. You are silly. Silly goose.
G: Noooo!
Me: Ok, if you are not a silly goose then, what are you?
G: A Fiffin!
And there you have it. He is a Fiffin.
1 Comment | Raising Toddler | Permalink
Posted by admin
June 20th, 2010
[while pointing at my shirt] G: Momma, down. Ball!
S: He thinks you have a ball under you shirt.
Me [while straightening the shirt and pointing to the belly]: No, buddy. Baby!
G [continuing to point]: BALL!
S [defensively]: I didn’t teach him that!
Oh yeah, this sure doesn’t give a pregnant woman a complex or anything.
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Posted by admin