Father’s Day goodies
I’m kicking myself a bit. S2 brought home a questionnaire about his dad. I can’t find it, and therefore can’t scan/share it. D’oh!
Instead, however, we get a treat of this cup he created for his dad. It’s of he and his brother skydiving, while S is playing basketball. S is so awesome, he gets to play with two balls!!!
That aside, these boys are two lucky kids with S as their dad. He’s a great balance to my crazy and stubborn and can reach them during their tunnel-visioned angry moments in ways I simply can’t. He’s an incredible, incredible dad, and I couldn’t be on this parenting ride without him.
Love you, babe, and Happy Father’s Day!
UPDATE: I found it! Of course right after I stopped looking, and moved onto something else, it popped up — right on S’ desk. So, here goes. A perspective on his dad, by S2
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