Movie Monday (Aka Brush’em, Brush’em, Brush’em)
AKA Miracle of Miracles!!! This is G brushing his teeth. Miraculous for two reasons:
- he’s doing it himself (well… sorta)
- he’s tolerating a toothbrush in his mouth!!!
Yeah, this is the child that just spit out any toothbrush offered to him. And yet, here we are with him thinking this is fun. I actually give full credit to my new dentist for this. At my last appointment she gave me an electric toothbrush for the munchkin. Shaped like a fire-truck, thank you very much. So G out of curiosity let it in… and he let it stay. Now we tag team brushing teeth. I go in first w/ the firetruck, and he follows up with his little brush.
The other day when S and G went up to G’s room for a didy change, they were upstairs for awhile. When I asked what happened, S told me they had to take a detour to the bathroom because G wanted to brush his teeth!
Ok, ok, in reality he just likes to suck the water of the bristles, but there is some contact with his teeth and it’s a good first step.
Thank you new DDS!
sooo cute! Jasper LOVES his toothbrush (boothbrush as he says) but in reality he really just likes the toothpaste! I actually use teethbrushing as a bribe to get him to let me change his diaper. He keeps asking for “more” by which he means more toothpaste. It also helps that it has elmo on it 🙂
I don’t use toothpaste on G. I had read somewhere that he’s to young to at this time, so we just use water. He likes it though, so I’m happy 🙂
That’s adorable!!! James loves to brush his teeth, too (with or without the toothpaste). Light-up toothbrushes are a hit with him. 🙂 I do use the Jason/Earth’s Best baby toothpaste… no fluoride, super gentle, strawberry banana flavored. 🙂
I can’t get over how much G has grown up!! He’s so cute!