First day of school
We have a second grader in the house! Joined by a kindergartner. We’ve also achieved single drop-off. Yeah!!!
Let me tell you about our day (in photos).
This was 7:16am this morning — not a good sign for trying to get out of the house at 7:45. The view in my bedroom (as far as my male counterpart goes) looked about the same 🙂
7:45. Getting there!
Car-ride with bagels — breakfast of champions.
It was interrupted by the following statement: “Mom, I need to go pee. RIGHT NOW!!!!!” So our chill time in the car became a rush to the school trying to find an open bathroom. Thank goodness for Griffin calling out that the bathrooms by the kinder rooms would be open. Thank you, kid! After that at least I got to manipulate the kids into the shot (hello, first day of school frame-able!)
I was really impressed with Griffin being immediately surrounded by friends saying “Hello!”.
Storm got to see his buddy. Also, happy to say that a kiddo from his most recent preschool is actually IN his classroom. So happy that there’s someone he knows in his class. From the 4 kids of our family crew that hang out, we’re surprised that all 4 got into separate classrooms. So I’m glad he at least has this friend.
Upon getting in, Storm needed to sign his name, and the parents got some homework — we traced the kids’ hands, and made them a heart.
The teacher then sat them down and read them the Kissing Hand. It was sweet. The kids needed this story to transition to this big day.
We were hugged out and sent on our way.
Sadly, Leona couldn’t stay — Storm was REALLY bummed out about this. I promised him that I would take her to work with me today, we’d have an adventure and we’ll take photos. Those will come soon — today, today’s about first days 🙂
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