Bethlehem A.D.
Three years ago I heard about Bethlehem A.D. It’s a re-enactment, of sorts, of the nativity story… except on a super big scale. Missed it the first year. Missed it the second year. This year, I set a reminder for myself to check out the event schedule and I put it on the calendar. Mom and Dad came in last night, and given the rain prognosis for today, last night was it. We hit up Old Spaghetti factory in downtown RWC for dinner. Shane had Griffin convinced for a little while that they didn’t actually serve spaghetti there: it was just called that (like “One Hour” dry cleaners…. how they’re never done in an hour?). Also that if they DID have any spaghetti, it was from left-overs… hence the “old”. G was borderline believing it.
Part of our dinner program included a study of Roman Numerals. Also a massive cheating scandal on Squares, where Griffin volunteered to play on my behalf, but did not honestly represent me. I* ended up with four squares, while Storm appropriated over 30.
We headed to after. Honestly, I had no idea what to expect. The long line was a bit of a surprise, but it moved quickly enough and it wasn’t too bad. The setup was really impressive. Clearly this is a massive production, with lots of community volunteers. I was very impressed. Storm was in awe of everything, and that just makes me happy: not too often to get a chance to show our kids genuinely different.
Oh, I will stop here and tell you that Storm did not pay his taxes. We are awaiting the Roman guard to come arrest him any minute.
I am also so impressed with the little kid that played Jesus. There was aa strong light pointed at it, so many people walking through, loud music…. and kid totally kept it together. It was even asleep at one point. Say whaaaat????
Note: Photos are barely edited… but these days, it’s how I roll. Better this than nothing ;p
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