Pre-K Graduation
We have another pre-K graduate in our home. S2’s pre-K graduation was just this Friday and we were treated to watching our kid get a “diploma”, along with a few songs, a play adaptation of Where The Wild Things Are (S2 was a “Wild Thing”, in case you were curious)… and what milestone even is complete without the “Chicken Dance”?
I’m proud of this little dude so much. The past few month have been really good for him, and I’m really excited about this next stage in his life. I’m also really excited about the single drop-off (AND pick-up!) that will come with the next school year. I just can’t believe how big he’s gotten! Long gone are the days of the 20″ little being that would sleep on my chest and fit between my chin and waist. Today he wraps his legs around me when I carry him (and I still do, because I can… and because I know these days are numbered) and it’s just so obvious how far we’ve come.
He wants to be a policeman when he grows up. AND a fire-fighter! He’s going to be a busy guy: that’s for sure. But at least he’s aiming to be a hero to others, and it’s hard for me not to want to support these career goals.
We had the car packed to the gills on the way to his graduation. As soon as it was over, we piled in and headed to a camping trip we’d planned with friends for months. So you can say it’s been a very full week-end. This also means a major photo overload, so let’s just get started here 🙂
PS. Wow! I just realized this is probably the last time I’ll be using the “Raising Pre-schooler” tag. Sniff! Sniff! Another milestone phase complete. Wow!
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