8 months
June 30th, 2011One of the awesome things about S2 is how his hair is coming in. He has male pattern baldness… in reverse. I suppose if you’re gonna live with that hair “loss” pattern though, I think his is the best way to go — where hair is coming in vs. out 🙂
I also love his dimples. When he does his big baby smile, he’s got dimples. Those come from daddy.
S2 is an excellent eater. He will routinely finish 2-3 size2 jars a day in addition to his bottles. I don’t think he’s met a food yet that he hasn’t liked, except that he’s not thrilled with the extra thick stuff. He had some thicker, oatmeal blend a few weeks back and he just gagged, so we backed off.
This boy loves to play with his shadow. At his changing table, he loves to turn over to play with the shadow moving with him. It’s kind of funny to watch. Simple marvels, right?
S2 discovered the joy of being on his knees this month. I was trying to put him down belly down, but he had tucked his legs under him and ended up in a table-top stance. And he LOVED it. I do my best to put him in that position as often as I can. He’s not quite strong enough, upper body wise to stay that way for awhile, but it’s his favorite these days and he tries OH so hard when he’s on his belly to get that way on his own. As it stands crawling is a ways away, and honestly I’m quite OK with this. All I wanted him to do for awhile is sit. We got sitting down. The rest can wait. S and I are scratching out heads for sure how to child-proof access to certain areas of our home from him, while letting G roam free. But that’s a whole other story.
Weight: 17lb 15oz
Height: 26.77″
Favorite activity: putting things in his mouth, without prejudice
Favorite toy: the caterpillar at daycare
Number of teeth: 0 (although by the fussiness meter I swear we should have 4 by now)
Sweetest moment: laughing at G when he does something (questionably) funny
Naughtiest moment: First place (by a lot!)waking up umpteen-times a night, and not napping. Second place: bath-time splashing. Still.
Important milestones: S2 sits on his own!
PS. Why is it that throughout the month I think of cool things to mention in this monthly summary, and then when it actually comes time to write it, I got nothing? I mean, I can’t remember what I wanted to say. Sure, call it mommy brain, but it’s sad.