First day of Kindy
I struggle to call it a first day… because it wasn’t really???
Today school “started” with kindergarteners coming for an hour, with a parent. G’s group came at 10:30. The parent filled out a form (unclear why we had to do this in person since everything else was digital and given to us ahead of time), while the kids played and the teacher was …. somewhere else for the most part.
I’d like to say it was orientation, but it wasn’t, since we did that on Monday night.
I’d like to say that it was intro to the teacher, but it wasn’t since the teacher didn’t engage/direct the kids in any activity. Plus there were only 6 kids there. Most families left after 30 mins since nothing was really happening.
So I guess tomorrow is really “the” day.
G had no anxiety about today. This makes me happy and hope it stays the same tomorrow and beyond. One of the kids in his class came from the MM program. There are others, but in different classrooms, so I’m glad he knows someone in his class.
But hey — in lieu of an actual first day of school story, want actual first day of school photos?
Our morning was pretty chill. Kids had breakfast in their jammies. G had a worm race to his room, where he and S2 proceeded to build puzzles, play the guitar (or noise-making equivalent there-of), got dressed, and then watched a bit of ipad time. I made his lunch. “Feeling Good” played on the radio, and I thought that would be a good way to start the school year. Let’s hope it’s true 🙂
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