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    Operation “First Solid Meal”

    G has his first solid meal today … and it went well!

    I should say that “solid” here is really a misnomer because there was nothing solid about it. I started with a quarter of a teaspoon of rice cereal and added an ounce of breast milk resulting in …. well… more or less milk. Same runny consistency.

    G ate it up. I was a little worried he’d close up those little lips or spit stuff right back out, but it worked out.

    Can’t speak for the taste — I’ve tried my breast milk (as I’m told any mom should to know if/when it goes bad) enough to know I won’t be mixing it in my coffee anytime soon.

    Here’s some proof that it really happened.


    Oh, and a little bit of play-time.


    Do you see what we see? About 25sec into the clip G transfers his spoon from one hand to the other — midline crossing in action, baby!

    Yey, food stuff!

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