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    HI essentials

    July 11th, 2016

    We’re going to HI in a few weeks on vacation. Storm has began packing. He brought this to me last night as the items we need to pack for our trip. Let’s review, shall we?


    A bag holder. Packs small, holds a decent amount of weight. Practical
    Shark. I guess there aren’t enough, and it’s a BYOS (s = shark) kinda state. Alright…
    A Lego Trident. Maybe to be used on the shark? But we’re surrounded by water, so a little homage to the god Poseidon might not be a bad idea.
    Jewel. Authenticity not relevant.
    Ticket. (This is actually a folded up business car Not sure what for.

    But alright, we’re ready to go!

    The mind of a 5 year old. Gotta love it!