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    20 questions. Revisited

    March 31st, 2013

    From today’s 20 questions game.

    Me: Is it smaller than the diaper bag?
    G: Yes
    Me: Is it alive?
    G: No
    Me: Can you eat it?
    G: NoG: It’s the dead-thing… on our side-walk the other day

    … insert me making a barf face (at the idea of eating it) here.

    We walked outside the other morning to find a mouse on the side-walk in front of our house. It’s so nice for G to remember and make it his “guess” for games like this. I guess he was so proud of his choice, he needed to bust out and tell us what he had selected. I’m glad he did, because there was NO WAY I was going to guess that.

    On the bonus side, he was honest on all accounts 🙂