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    Thank goodness for our King-sized bed

    March 22nd, 2013

    I go to sleep every night next to one man.

    I wake up most mornings next to three.

    Trust me, there’s not as much partying going on in there as you could imagine. Unless by party you are thinking hanging off the side of your bed for dear-life, because the two shortest sleepers are resting on the diagonal, and you have an inch of head room left for yourself.

    Thank goodness we have a King-sized bed!!!! How does any family with children survive without one?

    Still, this is all welcome for me because my sleeping kids are cute, cuddly, and I know this snuggle time (when they crawl into our bed at 4am in the morning) is going to be short-lived.

    I’d like a few less kicks to the head though, OK?

    20 questions

    March 22nd, 2013

    We visited some friends a few weeks ago that showed G the game 20 questions. Now he’s all excited about it and wants to play it as one of our “driving home” car games. I’m good with playing games. It makes the car ride seem faster, and it keeps my children from picking on each other.

    Yet, playing 20 questions with a 4.5 yr old is not as straight forward as you might think. Why?

    1) he changes his mind (or doesn’t answer honestly), OR
    2) he has an overactive imagination, producing items there’s no way I can guess at.

    Let’s take an example, OK?

    Me: Is it smaller than my hand-bag?
    G: Yes
    Me: Is it made by people
    G: Yes
    Me: What color is it?
    G: Red!… and it has a hose (thanx for the extra hind, Kid!)

    (insert a whole slew of other questions I no longer remember here)

    Me: Ok, I give up. What is it?
    G: A Fire Station!!!
    Me: A Fire Station? How can it be a fire station? A fire station is NOT bigger than my hand-bag.
    G: Because it’s a toy Fire Station. That has a hose, and a wire that goes into the ground that pumps water.

    Yeah — there’s no winning at 20 questions here, unless you think as abstractly as a four year old 🙂