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    Wa Shumann!

    December 4th, 2012

    If you hear this off the top of the lungs of a two year old, more specifically OUR two-year old, let me translate:– “I want snowman!” (aka “I want to listen to Frostie the Snowman”)

    Wee peanut is obsessed with that song for some reason, and I haven’t successfully been able to explain to him that while our radio station WILL play holiday music 24/7 for the next few weeks, Frostie will NOT be on an endless loop. Which is why instantly following you hear:

    – No Shumann!

    Yep, kid, I know it’s not what you want to hear. G and I tried singing it to him, except that I only know the opening verse. Like any other self-respecting parent I proceeded to add “Something, something, something” as stand-in lyrics to the melody of the song. But my monkeys are too smart, and G called me out on it, pointing out that “That’s not how it goes!”

    Apparently I need to study up.