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    November 28th, 2012

    Set five for G and three for S2. My little monkeys are growing up 🙁 It’s so nostalgic to see just how tiny their first day piggies were in comparison to today.



    Also, G’s foot hasn’t grown all that much in the last year. I guess it’s one of those curve things too.

    The trip out east

    November 28th, 2012

    Boy, I’m behind on so many things I’ve been meaning to say. The first are these images of the boys playing with family out East on our recent trip to Virginia. I was saving it for a Foto Friday, but at this rate, it will either be the biggest FF known to man, or I’ll be posting images through New Years ;p
    The Snuggles Chapter

    Visiting Piper

    J and G — so grown up!

    All the kids!

    Fly Wheels action. And yes — they landed on the roof!