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    August 17th, 2010

    Have you ever had a Hallelujah moment? You know one of those cartoon segments when a little light bulb goes off above your head?

    Well, I had one of those this morning.

    At my regular OB appointment, Dr. M’s assistant, J, asked me how my back was doing. I told her that while my lower back is now much better, I had reconciled to the fact that I will likely have weekly visits to the chiropractor until the end of pregnancy since my left hip keeps making me miserable. She then asked “Is that the side you sleep on?”


    I’ve been obsessing over how it is that I keep messing up my hips every week. I feel good on Monday, and Tuesday, but then by Friday I feel stiff, sore and achy all over again. I look forward to Mondays purely for the chiro visits. How sad is that?

    Last Friday was so bad at one point I couldn’t apply ANY weight on my left leg, and even sitting hurt. (Kind of freaked S out. We were in IKEA and I was just… stuck) I’ve been paranoid over how I walk, sit, stand… everything. But never ONCE did I think that I’m re-injuring myself while sleeping of all things. It makes sense. I can’t sleep on my belly (sad), and at this stage being on my back for long periods of time isn’t working for me either, and I am favoring my left for some reason. Well with all that weight, and trying to get comfortable on my side, I must be tweaking my left hip. So now I’m on a mission to figure out a better way to sleep.

    J is brilliant! Brilliant I tells ya’!

    Oh, in other news. I got a 120 mg/dL on my glucose tolerance test. A FAR cry from my 141 with G. I’m diabetes negative and free from worrying about tasting that nasty drink ever again and having my blood sucked over a period of 3 hours. Hooray!