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    I thought this was my chair?!?

    January 10th, 2010

    It took awhile, but my Aeron chair is now back in business. As excited as I am to have it back though, I never expected that someone else would be even more excited about it… G.

    See, Neko has been a big fan of the Aeron chairs for awhile: especially in the summer, as the perforated seat gives him some belly ventilation on those warm days.

    I wasn’t expecting G to run to the chair and immediately upon setup and demand a ride. Now, I can’t get him out of my chair!!! I even tried seat-sharing but he kicks me out… literally. He pressed his feet against my back, pushes off and says “Up”. S and I considered getting him an anywhere chair, but I guess we don’t have to: the kid prefers Aeron 🙁

    Don’t ask me what’s up with the noodle while in the chair: for him the two go hand-in-hand. He runs over with the noodle and wants up.

    On some level though I’m glad he likes this thing. G is such a non-stop kid. He’s always running. ALWAYS!!! It’s as if he’s catching up (distance wise) for not walking on the early side of the other kids. This chair is seriously the only time he will sit in one spot for more than 3 seconds.