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    June 23rd, 2009

    G might crawl after all! It won’t be in the next few weeks, to be sure, but there’s hope for him yet.

    He is on all fours, he rocks back and forth, is able to support his weight on one arm, and slides backwards (which I’m told happens before moving forwards).

    I was really hoping that he might make those first steps forward in the presence of S’ family, so they can join in a “first” with us, but alas no! On the other hand, having a stationary baby on a flight is a good thing, as spending 8 hours cooped up with a baby wanting to explore their new-found mobility is not my idea of a good time.

    Still… exciting things to come…

    A lesson in elocution

    June 23rd, 2009

    G has a new favorite phrase. It stuns you with it’s eloquence. He does it so crisply too. Ready for what it is? Ok, here goes:


    It goes well on it’s own:


    With prolonged performance:


    In a row:

    Pffft, pfft, pffft!

    Or in combination with other key phrases:

    Dadadada, pffft!

    He does it with just the right amount of spit bubbles too. Over dinner, it goes especially well with a full mouth of carrot (or whatever is being served that evening). That way he ensures that everyone looks stunning in orange (or yellow) spittle.

    Yes, my son is an excellent orator.

    PS. Oh, and to the little girl at daycare who’s taught him to do this while eating — there’s a special place in my heart for you.

    Happy Birthday, Daddy!

    June 23rd, 2009

    We love you!

    PS. The doggie is borrowed from Grammie and Pop. She has very pullable ears.