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    How to scare a 8.5 mo pregnant woman…

    August 14th, 2008

    Q: How do you get a 8.5 mo pregnant woman to go into hyperventilation when she’s not ready to go into labor?
    A: You say “Hon, turn so I can see your profile! It looks like you’ve dropped!”

    Yeah, not a fun moment.

    Luckily my OB appointment was today, and although G’s is in place and my cervix is very soft (yeah, you really wanted that detail didn’t you), it’s also closed up and the OB said that the chances of me going into labor over the next week are low. Of course she prefaced it with a “that can change”, but I’ll take it.

    I have some things that have to get done next week, two of which include having the cleaning crew over (I’m off-loading the “nesting” to someone else) and a veterinarian appointment for Neko. Yeah, stop laughing at me — I realize I shouldn’t be making big plans here, but I can’t plan to just stay at home and just wait around for contractions to start either.

    In other news: my feet have grown!!! Apparently the belly is not the only thing gaining in size here. I finally grew from a 6 to a size 7 two years ago, which was super exciting for me — I graduated from having to shop at the little girls isle. You know how hard it is to find cute high heeled shoes that don’t come in pink patten leather? Now I’ve gained another 1/2 a size. I know this by spending the whole day in shoes yesterday that clearly didn’t fit me. I mentioned this to my sister today and now she’s convinced that she doesn’t want to be pregnant — for fear that pregnancy will also have her (already sizeable) feet also grow.

    Oh… and speaking of belly, here’s glorious me last Saturday at 37w.