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    Will Metamucil be my new best friend?

    July 6th, 2008


    The toilet gods are angry.

    In retribution for our lack of bonding time in the first tri (no m/s, remember?) they have come out in full force in the third trimester w/ and oldie and a goodie — constipation.

    Yes, I never thought I would be discussing my personal habits with others (only recently have I even been able to talk to S), but after a week of this experience, and pregnancy modesty deficit, here I am. I can only count the tiles on the floor so many times, and I’m not ready to count the threads on my socks.

    Although I am happy to take meds, I prefer to take them as a last resort. I’ve tried fruits, I’ve tried liquids, I’ve even tried utilizing my labor-class techniques in the bathroom. Nothing! I guess visualization, relaxation, breathing and all the natural stuff isn’t quite bringing me to success. Or at least not quickly anyway 🙁

    I’ve never taken Metamucil before, but all my other methods don’t seem to be working. This stuff is gritty and thickens over time. Seriously — it feels like drinking Jell-o. I’m not thrilled about it, but if it works I’ll be singing its praises.

    So within 12-72 hours (per the label instructions) we’ll see how well things pan out for me.

    Meanwhile, if you have any other more natural alternatives available to pregnant ladies, please share!

    Even more belly!

    July 4th, 2008

    Oh yes. It does keep growing. Me at 31w.

    Me at 31w

    Oh, and here’s a cute t-shirt S found surfing CafePress.


    A “whole” boy

    July 4th, 2008

    This just in: G gets to keep his foreskin!!! That’s right: you read it here folks. S and I have an agreement – no chop for little G! S’ also been doing his research and independently came to this conclusion. Our reasoning was:

    • No religious need. Since neither S nor I are practicing anything, we don’t have any religious ties to ceremonies/rights of passage around circumcision
    • No cultural demand. Living in CA which is a very diverse environment, just as many boys are intact as those who are circumcised. There’s also a chance (miniscule as it might be) that S and I might live abroad for awhile, and chances are we’ll be visiting cultures where being circumcised is considered “weird”. Besides, the argument “I don’t want our son to be different from his friends” has always been a little weak with me. I dare to ask how many guys actively look around in the bathroom/locker room and compare themselves to those around them.
    • Hygiene. Yes cleanliness is next to godliness. A circumcised member is just as Ok as an intact one provided you’ve taught your kid to clean properly. Spending time educating your child in proper hygiene is important for any gender. Brushing teeth… shampooing… flossing… penis maintenance – it’s all par for the course.
    • You can always remove it, but you can’t bring it back. Yes, it would hurt (and lemme tell you, I’m sure it hurts at age 0 or 40), but if G in his future comes across either personal religious preference or cultural need, he can make his own decision around this.
    • Condoms are still more effective. The African HIV/circumcision study is interesting, and results aside, condom usage is still more effective at preventing HIV infection over circumcision. There are also inconsistencies with the study that you can find about at http://www.circumcision.org.

    A few others too, but this is getting long so I’ll spare you.

    So yeah. That’s it. No formal debate necessary and I get what I wanted 🙂

    … So that means I win, right?